发布时间:2019-03-20   浏览次数:



 金艾顺,女,教授,博士生导师,免疫学教研室主任。1999年赴日本留学,先后在日本东京大学、京都大学、东京医科齿科大学学习和工作并获得医学博士学位。具有国外博士后研究员及生物制药企业研究和开发及医学转化研究工作经历。近年主要致力于人源单克隆抗体制备技术研发,抗体药物研发及肿瘤免疫治疗研究。相关研究成果,以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature Medicine、Nature Protocol、Journal of European Immunology、Oncogene等世界著名学术期刊上,发表论文20余篇。在肿瘤学和免疫学方面积累了丰富的理论基础和科研研究经验。以第一发明者申请技术专利一项《CELL SCREENING METHOD》,专利号JP-4148367。



Publications :

1. Hao Z, Han X, Sun X, Shen M, Huang J, Li Y, Ozawa T, Pang D, Jin S, Kishi H, Muraguchi A, Jin A. Fully human monoclonal antibodies to TRAIL-R1 enhance TRAIL-induced apoptosis via activation of caspase-8 pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Jun 24;475(2):238-44

2. Piao X, Ozawa T, Hamana H, Shitaoka K, Jin A, Kishi H, Muraguchi A. TRAIL-receptor 1 IgM antibodies strongly induce apoptosis in human cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.Oncoimmunology. 2016 May 4;5(5):e1131380.

3. Kobayashi E, Kishi H, Ozawa T, Hamana H, Nakagawa H, Jin A, Lin Z, Muraguchi A. A chimeric antigen receptor for TRAIL-receptor 1 induces apoptosis in various types of tumor cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Oct 31;453(4):798-803.

4. Kobayashi E, Mizukoshi E, Kishi H, Ozawa T, Hamana H, Nagai T, Nakagawa H, Jin A, Kaneko S, Muraguchi A.A new cloning and expression system yields and validates TCRs from blood lymphocytes of patients with cancer within 10 days. Nat Med. 2013 Nov;19(11):1542-6. 5.

5. Ozawa T, Piao X, Kobayashi E, Zhou Y, Sakurai H, Andoh T, Jin A, Kishi H, Muraguchi A. A novel rabbit immunospot array assay on a chip allows for the rapid generation of rabbit monoclonal antibodies with high affinity..PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52383.

6. Ozawa T, Horii M, Kobayashi E, Jin A, Kishi H, Muraguchi A. The binding affinity of a soluble TCR-Fc fusion protein is significantly improved by crosslinkage with an anti-Cβ antibody. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Jun 1;422(2):245-9.

7. Kishi H, Jin A, Ozawa T, Tajiri K, Obata T, Muraguchi A.Screening of antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 853: 141-50.

8. Ozawa T, Jin A, Tajiri K, Takemoto M, Okuda T, Shiraki K, Kishi H, Muraguchi A.Characterization of a fully human monoclonal antibody against extracellular domain of matrix protein 2 of influenza A virus. Antiviral Res. 2011 Sep;91(3):283-7.

9. Jin A, Ozawa T, Tajiri K, Obata T, Kishi H, Muraguchi A.Rapid isolation of antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells using a chip-based immunospot array. Nat Protoc. 2011 May;6(5):668-76.

10.Jin A, Ozawa T, Tajiri K, Lin Z, Obata T, Ishida I, Kishi H, Muraguchi A . Generation of TRAIL-receptor 1-specific human monoclonal Ab by a combination of immunospot array assay on a chip and human Ab-producing mice. Eur J Immunol. 2010 Dec;40(12):3591-3.

11.Tajiri K, Ozawa T, Jin A, Tokimitsu Y, Minemura M, Kishi H, Sugiyama T, Muraguchi A. Analysis of the epitope and neutralizing capacity of human monoclonal antibodies induced by hepatitis B vaccine. Antiviral Res. 2010 Jul;87(1):40-9.

12.Lin Z, Jin A, Ozawa T, Tajiri K, Obata T, Ishida I, Jin F, Kishi H, Muraguchi A.Post-translational modification of TRAIL receptor type 1 on various tumor cells and the susceptibility of tumors to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Apr 30;395(2):251-7.

13.Jin A, Ozawa T, Tajiri K, Obata T, Kondo S, Kinoshita K, Kadowaki S, Takahashi K, Sugiyama T, Kishi H, Muraguchi A.A rapid and efficient single-cell manipulation method for screening antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells from human peripheral blood. Nat Med. 2009 Sep;15(9):1088-92.

14.Tajiri K, Kishi H, Tokimitsu Y, Kondo S, Ozawa T, Kinoshita K, Jin A, Kadowaki S, Sugiyama T, Muraguchi A.Cell-microarray analysis of antigen-specific B-cells: single cell analysis of antigen receptor expression and specificity. Cytometry A. 2007 Nov;71(11):961-7.

15.A Jin, T Kurosu,D Mizuchi,A Arai,H Fujita, MHttori,N Minato and O Miura. BCR/ABL and IL-3 activate Rap1 to stimulate the B-Raf/MEK/Erk and Akt signaling pathways and to regulate prolifeation,apoptosis and adhesion. Oncogene (2006) 25,4332-4340

16.Arai A, Aoki M, Weihua Y, Jin A, Miura O. CrkL plays a role in SDF-1-induced activation of the Raf-1/MEK/Erk pathway through Ras and Rac to mediate chemotactic signaling in hematopoietic cells. Cell Signal. 2006 Dec;18(12):2162-71.

17.Arai A, Jin A, Yan W, Mizuchi D, Yamamoto K, Nanki T, Miura O.SDF-1 synergistically enhances IL-3-induced activation of the Raf-1/MEK/Erk signaling pathway through activation of Rac and its effector Pak kinases to promote hematopoiesis and chemotaxis. Cell Signal. 2005 Apr;17(4):497-506.

18.Mizuchi D, Kurosu T, Kida A, Jin ZH, Jin A, Arai A, Miura O.BCR/ABL activates Rap1 and B-Raf to stimulate the MEK/Erk signaling pathway in hematopoietic cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jan 21;326(3):645-51.

19.Jin A, Qi Y, Mori E, Guo M, Takasaki S, Mori T.Therapeutic effects of novel anti-tumor reagent, apoptosis inducing nucleosides from CD57+HLA-DRbright natural suppressor cell line on human gastric carcinoma-bearing SCID mice. Int J Oncol. 2004 Jun;24(6):1523-8.

20.Guo M, Jin A, Qi Y, Mori E, Mori T.Effects of apoptosis-inducing nucleosides released from CD57+ HLA-DRbright natural suppressor cell line on human breast cancer cell death and growth.. Int J Oncol. 2003 Jul;23(1):205-12.

21.Guo M, Sato E, Jin A, Li X, Mori E, Xu Y, Mori T.Human prostate cancer cell death by novel anticancer compounds, apoptosis-inducing nucleosides from CD57+ HLA-DR(bright) natural suppressor cell line. Prostate. 2002 May 15;51(3):166-74.


